So much is changing in search marketing, and that calls for polishing your keyword research skills. Users have higher expectations when they ask a question, and Google is always adjusting the game. That's why we are sharing a replay of this webinar to teach you how to thrive in this new environment. These advanced keyword research tips help you break away from the competition.

Google is loading answers into the SERP so often that searchers can find what they need without a click.  SpyFu's Mike Roberts shares a look at what this trend means for SEO and what you can do to still thrive in this new environment.

Watch the webinar video, and you’ll discover:

  • Which searches tell you that people are ready to buy or sign up
  • Which searches never get clicked — and what that means to your ad choices
  • How to figure out exactly what people want to know when they're searching
  • Why it's time to move past some older metrics
  • How to meet your customer where they are in the purchase funnel

Our goal is to arm you with advanced keyword research tips. Watch to understand what keyword metrics can really tell you and what you can do with those insights.

This webinar is full of pointers you'll want to reference often. Here are the slides if you'd like to slow things down.